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Shepherds and Flocks Fording a River, c. 1660-70 , By: Adriaen van de Velde, Dutch, 1636-1672

Crowd Outside an Inn with an Art-Seller, c. 1630-40 , By: Andries Both, Dutch, 1611/1612-1641

Study of Two Trees on a Rise, c. 1680
, By:
Jacob van der Ulft, Dutch, 1627-1689

A Milk Seller Before a House or Inn, c. 1680-90 , By: Cornelis Dusart, Dutch, 1660-1704

Study of a Seated Man Holding a Pipe, c. 1670-80 , By: Adriaen van Ostade, Dutch, 1610-1685

Rocky Coast with Boats on a Rough Sea, c. 1650 , By: Allaert van Everdingen, Dutch, 1621-1675

Family in an Interior at Night, c. 1650-55 , By: Egbert van der Poel, Dutch, 1621-1664

Figures, Boats, and Cottages on the Banks of an Estuary, 1626
, By:
Jan van Goyen, Dutch, 1596-1656

Figures in a Boat near a Dovecote, c. 1640-50 , By: Jan van Goyen, Dutch, 1596-1656

Three Vases, c. 1618
, By:
Attributed to Anthony van Dyck, Flemish, 1599-1641