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Sketch of St. Matthew and the Angel, c. 1652-53
, By:
Nicolaes Maes, Dutch, 1634-1693

Winter Scene, c. 1780-90 , By: Jacob Cats, Dutch, 1741-1799

Farmstead with Trees by a Road, c. 1650
, By:
Abraham Furnerius, Dutch, 1628?-1654

Studies of Women and Children, c. 1640 , By: Rembrandt van Rijn, Dutch, 1606-1669

A View of the Kleine Haarlemmersluis in Winter with the Martelaarsgracht Beyond, seen from the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, 1816 , By: Gerrit Lamberts, Dutch, 1776-1850

Knoll Above a Pond, c. 1640-50
, By:
Attributed to Herman Naiwincx, Dutch, 1623-after 1651

Woods with Travelers on a Path by a Stream, c. 1650-60
, By:
Adriaen Hendriksz. Verboom, Dutch, c. 1628-1670

The Hunt of a Finch with a Net, c. 1578 , By: Jan Van Der Straet, Flemish, 1523-1605

Man with a Walking Stick Wearing a Fur Cap, c. 1648 , By: Rembrandt van Rijn, Dutch, 1606-1669

Study of a Man, Bust Length, Looking Upward, c. 1630-35 , By: Jacob Jordaens, Flemish, 1593-1678