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Rear-view of the Spaarnwouder Gate in Haarlem, c. 1730 , By: Abraham Rademaker, Dutch, 1675-1735

Cluster of Trees in the Dunes, c. 1627-30 , By: Herman Saftleven, Dutch, 1609-1685

The Hunt of a Finch with a Net, c. 1578 , By: Jan Van Der Straet, Flemish, 1523-1605

Landscape with Ruins, Possibly Castle Egmond, c. 1650-60 , By: Jan Lievens, Dutch, 1607-1674

Woods with Travelers on a Path by a Stream, c. 1650-60
, By:
Adriaen Hendriksz. Verboom, Dutch, c. 1628-1670

Landscape with Trees by a River, c. 1670 , By: Anthonie Waterloo, Dutch, 1609-1690

Travelers on a Hilly Road near Bomarzo, c. 1629
, By:
Bartholomeus Breenbergh, Dutch, 1598-1657

Villagers Playing Pulling-the-Goose, c. 1650
, By:
Allaert van Everdingen, Dutch, 1621-1675

Village Scene with Houses and a Bridge, 1645
, By:
Lambert Doomer, Dutch, 1624-1700

Study of a Seated Man Holding a Pipe, c. 1670-80 , By: Adriaen van Ostade, Dutch, 1610-1685