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Attrib­uted to Ger­brand van den Eeck­hout, Dutch, 1621 - 1674

Man in Turban on Horseback, c. 1665-70 

Gebrand van den Eeck­hout worked in Rem­brandt’s stu­dio from about 1635 to 1640. There he over­lapped with Govert Flink and Fer­di­nand Bol, whose works are on view near­by. A ver­sa­tile artist, he pro­duced art­work in every genre, from nar­ra­tives to por­traits to land­scapes. For many years this draw­ing, which may relate to the tri­umphal entrance of Mordechai from the Old Tes­ta­ment book of Esther (6:11), was attrib­uted to Rem­brandt. The var­ied pen accents and heavy zig-zag shad­ing, how­ev­er, departs from Rem­brandt’s effi­cient and exact­ing style and is more char­ac­ter­is­tic of Van den Eeck­hout’s work.